יום ראשון, 25 ביולי 2010

Making the transition to a healthy lifestyle is a significant accomplishment. It typically involves sweeping changes in our daily diet and level of a

Some people eat when they are under stress. Others are eaten by it. How can we use food to help us deal with stress better?
Our body’s ability to create the feeling of stress allows us to survive in condition that is less than optimal. If it were not for the adrenal gland’s production and emission of stress hormones, we would not be able to live through temperature changes, minor injuries, physical work, lack of sleep, skipping a meal, mental anguish and worry.
Problems arise when we are afflicted with stress for a prolonged period of time. The same hormones that assist us in times of need can harm our health if they reside in our bodies for longer than needed, or at too high a level. High blood pressure, an abundance of cholesterol in our blood, a rise in sugar levels, a lack of calcium in our bones, depletion of memory and immunity strength - these are only some of the side affects of long- term stress hormones.
An additional long term side effect has to do with the adrenal gland itself. Like every machine when it is overworked, the gland can also reach a state of exhaustion. Due to the fact that modern man is exposed to more long term stress than humanity has every known before, the adrenal gland is designed to support stress for a much shorter time span. The habits of our society require the gland to react to stress for months and years. It is no wonder that middle-aged people begin to experience general weariness.
A large number of people who suffer from stress simply walk around with a shriveled adrenal gland that is no longer able to produce sufficient hormone levels. The fatigue is usually accompanied by a feeling of tension, an increased sensitivity to allergies, and a general difficulty in performing various physical functions. The general ability to function for the fatigued person is reduced to a minimum, and even if they wish to work, travel, meet people, or exercise - their body no longer allows it.
The human body has a great capacity for endurance and can deal with many physical demands on a daily basis. Some people reach a breaking point, as if their body is saying: “Enough! I cannot do it anymore. I have done the best I could over X amount of years, I have no resources for energy left, I am giving up”.
The good news is, it is possible to give the adrenal glands nutritional support that will protect it from depletion, and allow us to function for many years with our desired quality of life. Here are some suggestions that will support the adrenal glands:
1. It is important to engage in aerobic exercise within the first hour of waking. This should last at least 20 minutes, and you must break a sweat. This releases Serotonin, which is responsible for calm. After exercising it is recommended to drink a glass of fresh squeezed seasonal fruit juice. Two hours later it is good to have a mix of nuts, peeled nuts (not roasted), and dried fruit without sulfate.
2. Drink plenty of clean water throughout the day.
3. Potassium is one of the essential minerals needed for a healthy physical balance. During the body’s adjustment to stress over the course of time, potassium is released in urine due to the effect of the stress hormones. The body’s emptying of potassium is a sign of the system’s collapse in a state of exhaustion. Daily consumption of 3-5 grams of potassium is sufficient. You can reach this level of potassium consumption by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, legumes and nuts.
4. You must avoid as much as possible the consumption of stimulants to the nervous system such as nicotine (cigarettes), and caffeine (coffee, tea, soda).
5. For people who live a busy life style or endure prolonged states of stress, it is recommended to take supplements regularly to assist with the adrenal gland: vitamin B complex, vitamin C, calcium and magnesium.
6. It is possible to enjoy various soothing herb concoctions such as chamomile, melissa, verbena, and linden. Valerian and passion fruit concoctions before bed time will help soothe and relax, and will allow for a more peaceful sleep, which can help in dealing with the next day.
7.Foods that have sufficient amount of potassium: dried apricot, dried figs, peanuts, beat leaves, soy beans, lima beans, grapefruit juice, potatoes, avocado, beat, mushrooms and squash.
Don’t forget to take a deep breath....Stop....See life as an onlooker...Wonder...
Ask: “Where are we running too and why?” Smile...Love...Be thankful...Move forward...

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